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Make Windows XP boot Even Faster

Microsoft has chosen a completely different path for XP and its boot features by trying to incorporate as much support for newer fast boot BIOSes that are on most current motherboards. They built XP in such a way as to make it able to take advantage of features in these new BIOSes and one of the coolest things is a small application called Bootvis. Bootvis watches everything that loads at boot time, from the moment the OS begins to load just after POST (Power on Self Test) to the moment you get to a usable Desktop.
Some Programs, most notably Antivirus software, suck up valuable seconds before you can actually do anything even though you’re at the desktop. Bootvis generates a trace file that you load and can then “see” a visual representation of what’s happening. Every file, driver, hard drive read/write, etc., is recorded. You can then use bootvis to optimize the loading of files during the boot sequence. Bootvis will rearrange the ways these very files are stored on the hard drive, thereby improving the boot time dramatically
Labels: Tips dan Trick Windows, Windows Tips and Trick (English Version)

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Tips Mempercepat Kinerja Windows
Salah satu cara mempercepat kinerja windows adalah Mempercepat Performa Swapfile.

Mempercepat Performa Swapfile
Jika anda memiliki ram lebih besar dari 256MB bisa dibilang tweaking yg ini akan membuat sistem anda berjalan lebih cepat. Tweaking ini pada dasarnya PC kita mengunakan setiap byte dari memori fisik yg terpasang di komputer kita, SEBELUM mengunakan swap file.
1. Start>Run
2. "msconfig.exe">ok
3. Klik tab System.ini
4. Klik tanda plus pada tab 386enh
5. Klik kotak new kemudian ketik "ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1"
6. Klik OK
7. Restart

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